Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The New World

The new world is fast becoming the old world. The environment of technology changes very fast. I remember when I started to e mail I thought WOW! Now I am blogging to the whole world. I know longer live in a small town, I am part of the world. I can experience much more in a short space of cyber time than all of my 53yrs so far This is incredible .
I started this journey, very excited with great hopes and dreams. One day in and I was stumbling in the dark, I was scared, my hopes and dreams were squashed. My choice was simple sink or swim. I am dog paddling at the moment but I am still afloat.
The new economy THE KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY is the future. We have to be able to sell our selves and prove that you have the skills to do the job. Teachers will need computer skills so they can groom their students to be capable to join this knowledge economy. A line from the Dept of Labour Report stated "The continued evolution of technology affects both existing and emerging jobs"(labour day report 1999).
An important change in the way education is administered is to turn it around from being teacher centric to student focused. This is a mighty step forward.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

My boomarang effect.

I have been reading literature for weeks, on how to teach effectively.
The first thing I have learnt is that teachers MUST be for the student. this must be the focus.
I said in a very early forum entry that I thought gathering a comprehensive profile on each student is an important first step to becoming student centred. I fully believe that a holistic approach to teaching will benefit all. Parents will feel they still have a roll in their children's education and personal development. Children will feel empowered to take control of there learning journey. Teachers will have an understanding of where there student is and where he/she would like to be. I have called this entry the boomerang effect because of how you design the lessons will the effect how you throw the information at your students and . will effect how it is returned to you. We must use all the technology that is within our reach. This is their world their norm or will become their norm. Pedagogy is a science so we should take the scientific approach.
Knowing you can help shape the future carries an enormous responsibility and requires a great amount of skill and diversity. This is also true when you are designing and learning to throw a boomerang.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

learning journey

I have been crawling through this course mostly with fear. This is all so new to me. I am enjoying the content of the material very much. I f can master this new technology I know i will enjoy my new roll. I believe that the computer is the new pencil and chalk of the very near future and we must be able to keep up.
The teaching strategies for the modern teacher and student will be made more real with the availability of online exploration on any topic they have. It gives the student ownership of their work. Technology does give a more equal study field. It enables the teacher and student better understanding of a prescribed topic by the vast number of research sites. It allows students to gain valued support from their peers. The forum sites can be a great learning tool.
I am hoping to be able to upload some videos and pictures to my blog.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My first blog

Hello world.
This is my first blog. I am studying to be a primary teacher. I am looking forward to see where this career choice will take me. but first I must pass this course.