Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The New World

The new world is fast becoming the old world. The environment of technology changes very fast. I remember when I started to e mail I thought WOW! Now I am blogging to the whole world. I know longer live in a small town, I am part of the world. I can experience much more in a short space of cyber time than all of my 53yrs so far This is incredible .
I started this journey, very excited with great hopes and dreams. One day in and I was stumbling in the dark, I was scared, my hopes and dreams were squashed. My choice was simple sink or swim. I am dog paddling at the moment but I am still afloat.
The new economy THE KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY is the future. We have to be able to sell our selves and prove that you have the skills to do the job. Teachers will need computer skills so they can groom their students to be capable to join this knowledge economy. A line from the Dept of Labour Report stated "The continued evolution of technology affects both existing and emerging jobs"(labour day report 1999).
An important change in the way education is administered is to turn it around from being teacher centric to student focused. This is a mighty step forward.

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